Orgonite – UNIQUE Powerful Natural Talisman (AURA field PROTECTION)



What is an orgonite?

William Reich, an Austrian psychoanalyst, coined the word “Orgone” after discovering this cosmic energy. This life energy can also be referred to as Chi Energy or Prana and it exists naturally in every living organism. Orgone can be neutral, positive, or negative. When it is positive, a living organism is healthy. When it is negative, a living organism has a lot of emotional blockage which, if not cleared, can develop into dis-ease in the body.
Orgonite is a mixture. It can consist of metals, powders, gemstones and crystals encased in resin or beeswax. The high vibrational frequency of these ingredients attract and magnify positive Orgone energy, changing negative into positive. Quartz crystal, for example, has a high concentration of Orgone due to its crystalline nature. When used within the Orgonite mixture, the quartz crystal is squeezed as the resin dries causing it to become electrically polarized making it an extremely effective generator for the positive Orgone energy.
Orgonite inside dowsing rods and pendulums super sensitizes and amplifies the energy AND the intent of the dowser. An analogy of this concept would be in the difference between an acoustic guitar and an electric guitar. An acoustic guitar without amplification projects sound only so far requiring listeners to sit closely to the guitar player. An electric guitar plugged into an amplifier increases the distance and loudness of the sound so listeners can sit quite a distance away and still hear the player. Dowsing rods and pendulums WITHOUT Orgonite are like the acoustic guitar – they still work, but their sensitivity and the amplification of energy and intent are limited. Dowsing rods and pendulums WITH Orgonite are like the electric guitar with the Orgonite acting as the amplifier increasing the finding power of the dowsing rods and the pendulums.


FIBONACCI: Floret of the Arrowhead Alpine

(Keywords:  C=8, C=13, Counter-Rotating Fields)

Nature continually surprises us with its perfected proportions.
No matter what new species of flower floret that we examine,
we can confidently predict that the counter-rotating fields
that compact and holds its precious seed,
are in the range of Fibonacci Numbers:

Here, in this most extraordinarily beautiful Arrowhead Alpine,
we see 8 clockwise spirals and 13 Anti-clockwise spirals,
(8:13 is the same pin code for the pine cone / pine code)
Nature’s perfected mathematics,
that guarantee the optimum continuation of its species.

Jain 108


(Keywords: C=1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, Arc, Compass, Elephant, Golden Ratio, Phi Rectangle, Phi Spiral, School, Spectrum)

I was teaching a group of young 10 years old children at a primary school in the Byron Shire, who are on the Spectrum or Special Needs class, or should I say, absolute little genius. We were constructing the Phi Golden Spiral, in the Phi Golden Rectangle. I was teaching them how to use a compass for the first time, by drawing a series of arcs that successively increased in size based on the squares: 1-1-2-3-5-8-13-21 in cms, on A4 paper, which is really the Fibonacci Sequence.
After drawing it all together correctly, I invited them to colour it in and end the class on that note. Before the bell rang, one student called it,
“Hey, I drew a Fibonacci Elephant!”

Jain 108

FIBONACCI SEQUENCE: One: The One Becomes One

(Keywords: C=1, 2, 4, 8, Binary, Cosmo-Genesis, Creation, God, Memory, Technology, Trinity, Unity Consciousness)

We all know of the Doubling Sequence: 1-2-4-8-16-32-64 etc. It is often known as the Binary Code and is the basis of computer programming… The One becomes the Two becomes the Four is the signature for the Technological world. Very efficient for packing and storing memory.
But another interesting and more organic sequence is the Fibonacci Sequence which has a signature for the Natural or Biological world and goes like this:
1-1-2-3-5-8-13-21-34 where the next or final digit is formed by adding the two previous digits eg. 3+5=8 and 8+13=21 etc, a veritable trinity in the sense that the Past + the Present = The Future.
Notice the first pair or numbers (1,1) that begins this sequence: where “The One Becomes The One”. The “One” is Source, Creator God, and God must duplicate ItSelf to view ItSelf, to grow through the recognition of its own mirroring. The Creator needed to view its Creation so It made a copy of ItSelf to evolve through the process of Self-Reflection. I particularly love this mathematical metaphor of Cosmo-Genesis, and would be interested in any readers view on how they would interpret this mystical progression of The One Becoming The One.

FIBONACCI SEQUENCE: Wheel of 60 Pattern: Modulus 10

(Keywords: C=0, 5, 10, 60, Digital Compression, Infinity, Modulus)

”One of my favourite patterns or revelations hidden within the Fibonacci Sequence, having researched this over the last 3 decades, is the hidden 60 Pattern.
If you merely take the Fibonacci Numbers and recorded only the last digits, (which mathematically is called “Modulus 10”) a beautiful surprise emerges.
eg: in this infinite additive fib seq: 0-1-1-2-3-5-8-13-21-34-55-89-144 etc
Take the number 89 and observe that its final digit is 9.
Take the number 144 and observe that its final digit is 4.
As we continuously do this, a repetition begins at the 60th Fibonacci number, and keeps repeating like this forever. Here are 3 of many special symmetries:
1 – All opposing pairs, passing through the centre, sum to 10
2 – The cardinal cross, like the points of North, South, East and West, are all zeroes!
3 – All the 5ives oppose one another very symmetrically forming 12 distinct spokes of the Wheel of 60.
This is again a reminder to us there exists a Greater Order amidst the apparent Chaos.


The Magic of 89: The Reciprocal of the 11th Fibonacci Number

(Keywords: C=.011, 1, 11, 89, Decimal, Pattern, Reciprocal, Symmetry)

There exists an exquisite numerical pattern
inside the Fibonacci Sequence
1 – 1 – 2 – 3 – 5 – 8 – 13 – 21 – 34 – 55 – 89 – 144 –
The 11th Fib No. is 89 and when we examine its reciprocal,
that is 1/89 or 1÷89 or 1 divided by 89,
which is really the decimal expansion of the Fibonacci Sequence itself, there appears a hidden symmetry
based on the precise order of the Fibonacci Numbers.

When we add all the columns on the right hand side,
starting from the extreme right and towards the left,
and moving over any carry-overs to the left,
what appears is the decimalization of 89 being

1÷89 = .01123595505617977528089… to 23 dp (decimal places)

Jain 108


They are called like this because Wilhelm Reich, the discoverer of a part of the cosmic energy that surrounds us, called it orgone energy, orgone, and analyzed it proving that there are two classes, or at least two counterpolated effects of the same energy. The biologically ordered and useful, which he called Biological Orgone (and he called corpuscular formations ORBs), as well as DOR (Deathly Orgone or Mortal Orgone).We use both terms. Let’s see what they are for, how they are manufactured and how they should be used. This page contains very important information for users and manufacturers of orgonites. Take your time and read carefully, because you will not find better information on the web in a general and practical way. Piramicasa only replicates the information collected by various researchers, and the claims about its effects are not made by Piramicasa, but are scientific information that can be found on various social, technical and scientific channels on the Internet.

The only thing we know for sure is that the orgonites help stabilize the magnetic field produced by the pyramid, making it work correctly in many cases where “magnetic anomaly” geopathies (those that affect compasses) could decrease or alter the function of the pyramid. The other factors explained can be subjective, despite the abundant knowledge that thousands of manufacturers and experimenters have.
The orgonite is a modern and simple device that Piramicasa has tested in practice with excellent results, but advancing enough to clarify some little-known points about this that, far from being a “fad”, is a technology that suits everyone. world know a little more, but especially those who use and / or manufacture them.
Although we have not been able to carry out quantum measurements (neither qualitative nor quantitative) in this matter, the empirical experience, methodical experiments and information gathered from decades ago on quantum physics indicate that there are no risks in their use when they are correctly manufactured and used, and the benefits are multiple, in the short and long term, however there are risks with some poorly manufactured devices.

The orgonite produces in part, the same as the pyramid: Neutrino accumulation , but with other more complex mechanisms. It does not replace the general functions of the pyramids at all, but both the orgonite and the pyramid reproduce at macroscale a series of phenomena that Nature uses at macro and microscale to produce, conserve and improve Life.

We discovered in 2007 that the pyramidal field becomes more stable with the use of orgonites, apart from increasing neutrino production. Only at that point – neutrino production and not in the same amount – does the orgonite resemble the pyramid.

1) Deadly or negative Orgone or DOR -Deathly Orgon- when it is depressive and ORANUR when it is exciting. Originally, ORANUR made reference to something else: An experiment so-called in acronyms, which means ORgon Anti Nuclear Ultra Radiation, that is, an organic field (“quantum” and therefore the “Ultra Radiation” that theoretically could oppose and annul to the DOR produced by nuclear explosions. A failed experiment within the Uranur program killed some people and Wilhelm Reich’s research. But let’s continue with the basic and important one now.

2) Neutral Orgone (OR) that although it seems harmless is necessary for life and will tend in natural conditions to become Positive Orgone .

3) Positive Orgone (POR) -Positive Orgon- which is always beneficial .
Properly manufactured orgonite devices produce large amounts of POR (Positive Orgone), canceling out and dissolving negative Orgone (DOR), partially counteracting directly and reducing (also partially) the biological impact of a wide spectrum of high-frequency waves, thus as reducing the biological damage produced by low frequency geomagnetic alterations.


A Tensor-Ring is an infinite source of energy, which is neither electric nor magnetic. The energy produced by the Tensor ring is healing for all life forms.

It is a super conductor that neutralizes magnetic fields. It brings tranquility and stability to chaos, and very easily stabilizes the bio-magnetic energy fields of the body. The Tensor field produces a measurable earth / gravity effect.

Magical Loading of Talismans, Amulets and Precious Stones

The belief in talismans, amulets and precious stones dates back to the dawn of history. It has its origin in fetishism, which to this day is still widespread among primitive nations. The belief in talismans and similar objects has survived to a certain degree to this day; however, it has been updated to fit our present-day circumstances or fashion trends, the evidence of which can be found in objects that are used as good luck charms, such as pendants, rings, brooches and so on. Luckbringing birthstones are especially high on the list. If the idea of talismans contained no truth and did not conceal something magical, then the belief in talismans would have disappeared from the world of ideas long ago. It is our task to lift the veil and learn how to separate the wheat from the chaff. The purpose of a talisman, amulet or any birthstone is to raise, strengthen and maintain the level of belief and confidence of the person who is wearing it. Owing to the fact that the wearer pays considerable attention to his talisman, the subconscious is auto-suggestively influenced towards the desired direction, and various effects can be achieved in accordance with the person’s inclinations. It is not surprising that a purely material person or a dry-as-dust scientist condemns such beliefs and scoffs at and criticizes them, or considers things of that nature as superstitions. The true magician, however, is properly informed about these matters and is not satisfied to wear a talisman merely to raise his belief and confidence, but above all he will endeavor to investigate the connections of the lawfulness with talismans. The magician knows that talismans which owe their existence strictly to belief are completely ineffective in the hands of a non-believer or a distrustful person. Therefore, in this respect a magician will go one step farther with his science and lawfulness. Before we analyze this synthesis (putting more than one thing together), we will learn the various differences. In the hands of a magician, a talisman is nothing more than a tool, a point of reference, something material or physical into which he can bind or banish his power, cause or fluid. The shape of the object, whether it be a ring, pendant or brooch, and its material value are of no importance to him. He also pays no attention to its fashion, beauty and nimbus. To the magician it represents an object with whose help, by binding his powers, he creates causes which release the desired effect, regardless of whether the person wearing such an object believes it or not. A pentacle, in contrast to a talisman, is a specific object which is in harmony with the laws of analogy of a desired effect, power, ability and cause. When the magician is preparing and loading such a pentacle or talisman he must consider the appropriate laws of analogy. A magician prefers the pentacle to the talisman for the purpose of making contact with beings of a higher world and it does not matter whether these entities are good or evil, intelligences, genii or demons. An amulet is a divine name or a holy verse from the Bible; a mantra is a sentence that expresses veneration for a deity, written on virgin parchment or on common parchment paper. In the category of amulets belongs the wearing of various kinds of magical plants, as for instance mandrake (Atropa mandragora), which either provide specific protection or which bring forth some other kinds of useful effects.
Furthermore, to the category of amulets also belongs the wearing of fluid condensers either in solid or liquid form, or blotting paper which is impregnated with fluid condensers and also natural lodestone, as well as small horseshoe magnets. Finally, I would like to mention the precious and semi-precious stones which are especially suitable fluid condensers and which have been used from ancient times as good luck charms, to provide protection, to attain success and to effect cures. On the basis of the color and hardness theories, astrology has
assigned to every gemstone a particular effect and recommended the wearing of the appropriate birthstone as a lucky charm to people born under particular signs of the zodiac. To the true magician, however, it is a well-known fact that these astrologically selected “lucky birthstones” have an insignificant effect, especially for those who do not believe in such matters; for them these birthstones are completely without value. Whereas gems that correspond with an astrological effect in regards to their hardness, chemical composition and color are receptive and suitable to accept the appropriate magical loading. The magician, as far as it is within the sphere of possibility, can consider the astrological provisions, but he is by no means dependent upon them. The magician can, if he so wishes, magically load any gemstone with such intensity that, even with an astrologically unfavorable gemstone, the desired results can be achieved regardless of whether the person believes in the effect or not; the effect will always be what the magician has ordered. We have learned about the various kinds of talismans, pentacles and gemstones and their differences, and we will now discuss the various methods of loading. There are ten different methods: (1) Loading with the mere will in connection with the imagination. (2) Loading by means of a set time limit in regards to accumulated vital energy and wish-impregnation. (3) Loading by binding elementals, elementaries and beings that release the desired effect. (4) Loading by means of individual or traditional rituals. (5) Loading through magic formulas, mantras, tantras and so on. (6) Loading through the accumulation of the elements. (7) Loading through the electric and magnetic fluids. (8) Loading through the accumulation of light-energy. (9) Loading with electromagnetic spheres (volts). (10) Loading through magico-sexual operations. Each of the aforementioned loading methods has many variations. If I were to give the magician a description of all of them, it would far exceed the scope of this book. A magician who has progressed to this level has the ability to create his own methods through his own intuition. The ten methods mentioned here serve only as guidelines, and therefore I will only give a brief description of each of them.
1) Loading with the Mere Will in Connection with the Imagination
This method is the easiest and simplest and the effectiveness depends upon the power or energy of the will and the imaginative ability of the magician. Every talisman, every gemstone, every pentacle, with the exception of paper amulets and parchment amulets, must be cleansed of the fluids that are attached to it, in other words these fluids must be removed or de-fluidized before the magician can begin to load it magically. The best and most effective method which can be employed for this purpose is through the magic of water. Take a glass of fresh cold water in which you immerse the talisman. Focus your concentration on the fact that the water is withdrawing all evil influences from the talisman. In order to achieve this, maintain your concentration for awhile. However, after a few minutes of the most intense concentration you must be completely convinced that all the bad influences have been absorbed by the water and that your talisman is now free of all these influences. Whereupon you dry the talisman. Now you have the assurance that the talisman is receptive to your influence. This type of de-fluidization must be undertaken with every non-liquid talisman, regardless of the kind of method you employ to load the talisman. Then take the talisman into your hand and imaginatively fixate the effectiveness of your wish into the talisman with your most intense will-power, and with an unshakable belief and the greatest of confidence. Set a time limit for the effectiveness of your wish, whether it is to last for a certain period of time or indefinitely. Furthermore, the determination has to be made if the talisman should be effective just for one particular person or for anyone who wears it. Load or imagine in the present tense that the desired effect is already effective. Through frequent repetition you can increase the power of tension of the wish you have concentrated into the talisman; through this the emanative power of the talisman becomes more intensive and penetrating. During your concentration, transfer the feeling that the effectiveness of the talisman remains and continues to increase automatically, even when you do not think about your talisman. Should the talisman be intended for someone else, the same effect remains for another person. Once you have loaded the talisman with the utmost power that is within your capability in accordance with your best knowledge and conscience, then the talisman is ready for use.
(2) Loading by Means of a Set Time Limit in Regards to Accumulated Vital Energy and Wish-Impregnation
As described in the previous paragraph, the talisman to be loaded must first be defluidized. If the talisman is intended for your own personal use, then you must accumulate the vital energy in your own body (for instructions, refer to Step III in this book). Once you have loaded your body with vital energy expansively, introduce the vital energy through your right hand into the talisman and then compress the accumulated vital energy to such a degree that it occupies the entire shape of the talisman, amulet or gemstone. While loading the talisman, you must imagine that it absorbs the vital energy like an absorbing receptacle and retains it as long as you wish. You must work with the conviction that, with time, the effectiveness of the talisman will not diminish through wearing or use; instead, it will increase. The vital energy that has been absorbed by the talisman and compressed to a snow-white radiance resembles a brightly shining sun. Your imagination must be developed to this degree. While accumulating the vital energy into your body, immediately transfer the wish regarding the effectiveness of the talisman into the accumulated energy. The duration of the effectiveness can subsequently be determined through the imagination. Always choose the present tense to express the inner conviction that the talisman is fully effective immediately after loading. Also, do not select more than one wish for one talisman, especially when the wishes are directly opposed to each other. The most effective loading is a loading which is to achieve only one wish. Furthermore, it is advisable to select only wishes that are within the realm of possibility and avoid loading methods that are too fantastic and cannot be fulfilled. This law, rule or commandment applies to all types of talismans and all kinds of loading methods. The best method of proving the effect of the expansiveness of such a loading is by employing a sidereal pendulum. When loading the talisman for another person, do not direct the accumulated vital energy through your own body, but instead condense it directly from the universe and introduce it imaginatively into the talisman. All the remaining rules of instruction are the same.
(3) Loading by Binding Elementals, Elementaries and Beings which Release the Desired Effect
In previous steps I have described in detail the creation of elementals and elementaries. An elemental or elementary can be bound to a talisman, pentacle, amulet or gemstone. Binding is achieved through a word you select, a ritual you devise, or a gesture by means of the imagination. All that is required at this point is to utter or implement the predetermined gesture, ritual, word or formula and the bound elemental will release the particular effect. At this point, the magician must have the necessary maturity to know when to bind an elemental or an elementary to a talisman. Undoubtedly he will make use of elementals to influence the mental sphere, whereas he will make use of elementaries for the realization of astral or physical effects. In the same manner beings can also be bound to a talisman if the magician wants to achieve specific effects. Every magician has this ability, provided he has worked conscientiously on his development. Contact with beings can be established through the practice of passive communications, furthermore through the magic mirror or through a trance transposition into the Akasha. In this respect there are no further instructions necessary. At this point the magician must know what to do and how to do it.

(4) Loading by Means of Individual or Traditional Rituals
This method is mostly practiced by Oriental magicians who are particularly partial to this method and who are endowed with a tremendous patience, which is absolutely necessary for this kind of loading. The Oriental magician makes a specific and completely individual sign that he has chosen, either with his hand, his fingers, or with only one finger, over the talisman, or else he makes the sign directly in the air with the talisman. He directs his concentration upon the desired effect, the effect the talisman should have. He repeats this ritual several times daily. Through prolonged repetition he creates such a strong battery or volt in the Akasha as to produce the desired effect. If, through prolonged repetition of this ritual, the magic volt in the Akasha has become strong enough, it will be sufficient to carry out the ritual independently or over the particular talisman and the desired effect will be released. All this can be accomplished without the aid of the imagination and without any mental effort. A magician who is proficient in Kabbalah knows that he must ritually load his own battery in the Akasha 462 times on 462 days in accordance with the Kabbalistic number so that his ritual can be effective automatically. This loading has to be carried out without any great effort, because it is time consuming. A European magician will rarely gather this great amount of patience, since he can achieve the same effect considerably faster with another method that is contained in this book. The loading through a traditional ritual is considerably easier and requires only a few repetitions in order to establish the contact, whereby the effect is so enormous that it borders on the miraculous. However, these types of traditional loading rituals, which I cannot divulge, belong among the secrets of lodges, societies, sects and cloisters. A magician who is well-trained in clairvoyance could easily obtain these secrets, but he would soon run the risk of being discovered. The Oriental magicians, who guard their rituals under the oath of death, would magically without mercy proceed against anyone who took possession of their rituals without their permission. Therefore I warn any magician against such misappropriations. These rituals are usually gestures with which the secret signs of the various deities, Ishta Devatas, are performed over the talisman. They are similar to the individual rituals that I described. Undoubtedly, such a loading has an enormously strong effect, because this kind of ritual is probably executed by hundreds of competent magicians and, besides that, the ritual is traditionally passed on from one generation to the next. A student who has reached a certain level of maturity is rewarded with such a ritual. This tradition of rewarding a person who is worthy with a ritual, which at the same time establishes the contact with the appropriate battery, is called in the Orient an ankhur or abhisheka.

(5) Loading through Magic Formulas, Mantras, Tantras and So On
This particular method of loading is one of the greatest and mightiest, as it requires a high level of knowledge and a great amount of preparation, which I describe in detail in my other two books, The Practice of Magical Evocation and The Key to The True Kabbalah. For this reason the following brief remarks should suffice. The first method of loading is accomplished through the repetition of a magic formula, whereby a being which is suited for this purpose releases the desired effect. The loading through mantras is accomplished through a sacred sentence which serves as reverence for a deity, a Japa Yoga which is many times thought or spoken into a talisman suited for this purpose. In this manner the attribute of that particular deity is materialized; and it is a certainty that through this, great effects can be achieved on all planes. A loading through tantras is appropriately applied word-magic wherein particular cosmic powers find their application through letters, words etc., which are suitable for this purpose in accordance with the cosmic rhythm, tone, color and attribute.
(6) Loading through the Accumulation of the Elements
This method of loading is offered to any magician who has practically completed all the exercises step by step up to this point. Should the magician wish to achieve an effect through the element principle, he will load the talisman or pentacle he has chosen with the element that provides the appropriate effect. The loading itself is accomplished in the manner as described under heading 2 of this chapter in regards to the accumulated vital energy, but with one difference: instead of vital energy the appropriate element is used. For personal use, the element accumulation is carried out in one’s own body, whereas if the talisman is intended for other people it is taken directly from the universe. If, for instance, the magician has a problem in respect to controlling a particular element, he makes use of the opposite element for the purpose of protection; the magician accomplishes this by employing a loaded talisman. Many other effects can be accomplished through the elements. The magician who is experienced in controlling the elements will be able to devise, through his intuition, the variations he desires.
(7) Loading through the Electric and Magnetic Fluids
Employing the electric and magnetic fluids represents one of the most powerful loadings. Should the intended purpose of the talisman be to protect, to shield, to radiate something or to bring about some activity, in these particular instances you employ mainly the electric fluid. Should the talisman have an attractive effect and be intended to bring about sympathy, good fortune and success, then you employ the magnetic fluid. The loading is undertaken in the same manner as the accumulation of vital energy and the element accumulation. Should the talisman be employed for personal use, accumulation is carried out in the appropriate side of the body, not in the whole body. The magnetic fluid is accumulated dynamically in the left side
of the body and projected into the talisman through the left hand, whereas the electric fluid is accumulated in the right side of the body and projected into the talisman through the right hand.
(8) Loading through the Accumulation of Light-Energy
For finer spiritual effects such as increasing the level of occult powers, intuition and inspiration, load the talisman with accumulated light-energy. The loading occurs in the same manner as the accumulation of vital energy accompanied by wishimpregnation, time limit and so on. The compressed light in the talisman must resemble a sun, but it must shine more brightly than common sunlight. A talisman intended for personal use is loaded with accumulated light-energy through one’s own body, whereas if the talisman is intended for another person it is loaded with light-energy directly from the universe. All the other applicable instructions described in this book must be observed.


All festivals in Hindu Dharma, includins religious rituals, are related to Deities. The principal of a specific Deity is present in the atmosphere in a larger proportion on the day of the festival or is attracted to the venue where religious rituals of that Deity are being performed. These rangolis are able to attract and emit the specific Deity’s Principle, the atmosphere gets charged with the principle and everyone benefits.
According to a principle in spirituality word, touch, taste, form, smell and their anergy co-exist; even if a small variation is made in the form and colour of the rangoli, its vibrations change. This can be experienced from the rangolis that contain Sri Ganapati, Sriram, Deity Datta and Sri Durgadevi principles.
Wa can get all the five tips of spiritual experiences of Shakti (Divine energy), bhav (spiritual emotion), Chaitanya (divine consciousness), Anand (bliss) and Shanti (Peace) from each History, Purpose, Scientific Reason and Importance of Rangoli

Rangoli is an art form that is prominently known for its cultural and historic significance in India. History of rangoli, importance of rangoli and its scientific reason finds its roots in the Vedic and ancient times of India. It is an intrinsic part of Indians’ life so much so that no festival or prominent life occasion here happens without this beautiful and captivating art form.

During festivals, they don a grandeur form and amp up the beauty of already beautiful Indian homes. As we move on, we shall delve deep into the various aspects of this beautiful Indian floor art. We have also included tips to draw rangoli easy and many types of rangoli designs with dots and without dots.

Researchers found that early man in the prehistoric times believed that the five elements influenced every way of human life:

Soil, and
To protect themselves from the evil and negative energies, early humans used to draw intricate patterns in geometric shapes to attract positive cosmic power.

Many designs found in the Indus Valley and Harappa regions provided proof that earlier civilizations also used such designs in various forms. While some symbolized Talismic energies, others were used as a form of protection of homes and villages from negative energies.

The modern designs have many straight lines and modern shapes. The first forms predominantly contained the elements of nature such as the Sun, Fire, trees, birds, animals, and flowers. Motifs like Swastika, crosses, circles, snakes, and Goddesses existed in cave form paintings in ancient India. One can find their usage in the modern-day designs too.

Mention of Rangoli in Ancient Indian Scripts
The mention of this art was made in many significant ancient scripts of India.

Natyashastra, for instance, the Sanskrit treatise for the Indian arts, drafted by Bharata Muni, mentions them. This scripture was drafted during the period of 200 B.C. to 200 A.D. As per this book, before artists performed an art on the stage, one symmetrical mandala adorned with colors and flowers was drawn on the stage. Then the Gods were worshipped and invoked to occupy their places on the Mandala.

Even today, when beginning a traditional puja or worship, it is a common practice to draw a design of an eight-petaled lotus flower on a cleaned wooden platform. It is decorated with turmeric, flowers, and vermilion, and Gods are worshipped and invoked.

Mention of Rangoli in Ancient Hindu Texts
The holy epics of Ramayana, Bhagavata, and Mahabharata have mentioned the prominence of this art in various instances.

Mention of Rangoli in Ramayana
The story of Sita Mata being kidnapped by Ravan is well known to most of us. Before leaving her Sister-in-Law unprotected and alone in the hut in the forest, Lakshmana draws a circle of power around the hut and asks Sita Mata not to cross it and come outside. But Sita Mata unintentionally crosses it and the rest is history.

Mention of Rangoli in Mahabharata
The story about Subhadra And Lord Krishna tell the importance of this visual art.

Once, in the land where Subhadra, the sister of Lord Krishna resided, there was a celebration on an Ekadashi day that needed the playing of drums and Tabor.

It so happened that the cover of the drums and the sticks of tabor was damaged. The king ordered that whoever did not follow the Sankha Chakra Gopadma ritual on that year shall be deskinned and their skin be used as the covering of the drum. Their bones shall be used as the sticks of the tabor.

Everyone in the town, except Subhadra, performed this ritual that year. Struck with fear and guilt, she ran to her brother’s help.

Lord Krishna then suggested she clean the house and the cowshed, draw beautiful patterns of a swastika, Sankha, Chakra, Gada, Padma, leaves, flowers, sugarcane, etc. on the cleaned floor and decorate them with flowers, precious stones, and powdered gold and silver.

Sri Krishna also instructed her to draw a cow shape on the floor and fill the stomach place with 33 lotus flowers and worship it and circumambulate it 33 times. He assured that by doing these with devotion, she shall be freed from the sins of not performing the ritual and also can be freed from the punishment. It is still this practice of GoPadmavrata that is practiced in Maharashtra.

Scientific reason behind Rangoli
Rangolis are intrinsic lines and shapes drawn with immense talent and attention. The secret in drawing rangoli designs easy is in their drawing lies in the joining dot to dot without any breakage or deformation of the symmetry and the shape.

A closer look at the science behind rangoli reveals many intriguing facts. Modern science proved that geometric patterns can evoke positive vibrations. The study of such science behind the patterns, Cymatics, proved that there is immense science hidden behind the designs drawn by Hindus in front of their houses.

If one has noticed traditional designs, some patterns appear frequently. There is a hidden scientific reason behind Rangoli with dots.

For example, the curved patterns that join the dots symbolize the infinite nature of the universe. Such patterns also resemble the wave harmonics of the sound. The world has already recognized the potential of sound waves in treating many ailments including depression and mental disorders.

Thus, the scientific reason behind Rangoli implies that these art designs are visual sound and energies.