
Harmonizer (Lost Cubit)

This tool was created to assist you, finding your perfect balance on the abundace and prosperity dimension.

Only for those who are open-hearted and wish to work on their own alignment with abundance.
GERR PROJECT and the distribution of part of their own profits to create new projects to change the paradigm.

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Please note that when you receive your pendant may have some subtle differences from the product in photos as it is a manually crafted product. The size and shape of moldavite may vary. It depends on what is available at the moment. Gratitude



A Harmonizer consists of six Tensor Rings or eight Tensor Rings (the new earth Harmonizer), arranged in a geometric pattern with in the middle a Tensorcoil creating a large torus Tensorveld, which covers the whole house and is also far beyond influence.
Harmonizer with six Tensor Rings
Harmonizer with eight Tensor Rings
Harmonizers are used with great success to neutralize the effects of radio masts on people, animals, plants and the environment.
They also ensure that the oxygen content and the quality of the air we breathe is improved.

The influence of the emotions emitted by people and mental energy is also reduced, with a demonstrable reduction of stress. The physical and mental capacity (durability) increases noticeably. The well-being and joy of living are increased by the influence of the Harmonizers.

In the event of a thunderstorm the Harmonizer neutralises the negative electrical charge on humans and animals. The burden of computer radiation (Wi-Fi), telephones and microwave ovens is also considerably reduced.
In agriculture they are used to increase productivity and improve quality.
Electromagnetic field of the earth
Electro magnetic field of the heart

What exactly does a harmonizer do?

A Harmonizer creates a spinning torus field around itself (such as the electromagnetic field of the earth, or our personal electromagnetic field) whose
the strength and size of the torus field is determined by the size of the Harmonizer and the thickness of the material used (tinned copper wire and or sterling silver).

All non-harmonic energies / frequencies that come within the torus field of the Harmonizer are converted into the harmonic energies / frequencies produced by the Harmonizer. Making the life energy field come and stay in optimal vibration, resulting in a clean and healthy living environment.

The Harmonizer and the different Cubit lengths

A Harmonizer can be composed of a single Cubit length measure, or multiple Cubit lengths in one Harmonizer.

Harmonizers are made from the Sacred Cubit, Lost Cubit, or Empowerment Cubit.

But there are also Harmonizers composed of the Sacred and Lost Cubit (call this
we the Matrix) gives a balance between the material and invisible reality.

And in addition, Harmonizers can be made with all three Cubit
lengths in one Harmonizer, (this is called unity unity) which brings balance
between the material and invisible inner interdimensional reality.

In addition, lengths can be played with the Cubit, resulting in different ones
sizes can be made.

This way Harmonizers can be made on the basis of:
one and a half fraction of one Cubit – super Harmonizer
one entire Cubi – Harmonizer region
half a fraction of one Cubit home Harmonizer
one fourth fraction of one Cubit journey Harmonizer
one thirty-second fraction of one cubit – the chain ring harmonizer

What are Cubits

The term Cubit comes from ancient Egypt. The ancient Egyptians used the term Cubit as a measure of length. As we now use the term cm or meter in our current modern age.

The ancient Egyptians saw the length measure Cubit, measured with a stretched hand from the top of the middle finger to the tip of the elbow.

For example, the first Cubit length gauge that was created to manufacture the Tensor Technology was the Sacred Cubit, found in the king’s chamber of the great pyramid of Giza in Egypt, and also the standard building measure to build the great pyramid.

And in order to honor the ancient Egyptians and the length of measure found in the great pyramid, Slim Spurling has called the “Cubits” the lengths used to make the Tensor Tools.

The Lost Cubit was created by studying the sun-lunar-earth ratio, using a mathematical calculation formula.
The Empowerment Cubit, like the Lost Cubit, was created by a mathematical calculation formula.

Personal use

A Harmonizer is much more than just a few pieces of copper soldered together.
It is a spirit, it has consciousness. It is a connection to the universe.

You can simply set up the Harmonizer and have it do its cleaning work, but you can also work with a deeper awareness.

This means that the Harmonizers work best when they receive an assignment (focus). What do you want the Harmonizer to do for you?

For example, you can meditate with the Harmonizer and instruct the Harmonizer to focus on a specific painful area.

What the Harmonizer does then is withdrawing his Tensor field and bundling all his energy and focusing on the designated pain place to accelerate the healing process.

But you can also instruct the Harmonizer to fully focus on keeping you and your environment of electromagnetic radiation clean.

Understanding how tensor rings and orgonites work to promote a healthy environment.


Copper: Copper is a metal that has, according to Slim Spurling, the ability to transmute cosmic energy into life force energy. Its natural tendency to oxidize with age gradually boosts its power.


Lost Cubit 177mhz frequency

-is a lot stronger than the Sacred Cubit.
-this frequency mainly works on the mental, emotional and ethereal aspects of life.
-has a calming and soothing effect.
-works well against pain.
-helps bring the brain in balance.
-nice to meditate with.
-element earth and aether.
-a horizontal energy.
-works on the third, fourth and sixth chakras.
-balanced feminine and masculine energy.
-works perfectly against a polluted environment.
-plants love this frequency.
-very good for schools.
-works very well with the Sacred Cubit and with the Lost Cubit.


Modavite and Holy Grail

More recently, Moldavite has been seen as a relic in the Holy Grail legend. In some versions, the Grail is said to be a stone and not a chalice, an emerald that fell from heaven. In others, the Grail chalice was carved from the emerald. The similarities between the Grail Stone and Moldavite are obvious. Ancient people dubbed all green stones ‘Emerald’, and Moldavite is the only one that fell from the sky. Interestingly, the effects of Moldavite were believed to bring harmony to marital relationships, having been used as an engagement gift for centuries. It is important to stress once again the belief that the Grail Stone had similar properties.

The spiritual Grail can be seen as the intelligence of the human heart, truly awakened and fully conceived. Once again, Moldovan matches the Grail Stone in its affinity for the heart and heart chakra. Through the electromagnetic field of the heart, and also the subtly immeasurable energy field that accompanies it, we can directly perceive the situation of other people and the world. The heart field identifies with everything that exists, from atoms to galaxies, from the individual soul to cosmic consciousness. And the heart doesn’t just discern – it alters situations. Through the heart it is possible to change reality and, knowing this, we have the responsibility of desiring the best possible at every moment, without knowing how this will materialize. Moldavite promises and carries within it the potential that helps us to fully awaken the intelligence of the heart.


An Amazing Crystal For Transformation
Written By Liz Oakes

Moldavite is a tektite, and a stone of intense frequency and high vibration.

In ancient times it was thought to be a mystical stone that could bring good luck and fulfillment of wishes.

These natural green crystals are powerful to create transformation and are thought to be the stone known as “The Holy Grail Stone.”

They are one of the best stones to use for psychic protection as negative entities find it difficult to connect to your aura when you are wearing one.

Raw Moldavite
Raw Moldavite
They are remarkable healing crystals for you to bring into play in your life.

They have an amazing energy that helps to create change in your life once you begin to utilize their vibration.

What does this green stone do? It has a number of excellent metaphysical properties, read more below.

Where Is It From? Moldavite Meaning
All of the genuine pieces of this crystal come from only one area of the world in the Czech Republic formerly called Czechoslovakia.

The meaning of the name Moldavite relates to the Moldau River in the Czech Republic, which is the only place in the world that it is found.

A meteorite of enormous size is known to have crashed in the mountainous region of the Czech Republic about 15 million years ago.

Its impact is said to have had more power than an atomic explosion.

This amazing stone was created by the heat of an incredible impact that had extraordinary force.

Its aero-dynamic shape suggests that in all likelihood this attractive green stone fell from the heavens.

These crystals were found close to the area where this impact occurred.

This event is believed to have produced melted material that fell to earth and created these beautiful green crystals.

The raw stones often have dark inclusions within them and it has been suggested that this may be a combination of meteoric matter and material from the area where it crashed.

The heat generated may have melded them together. Note: that although some scientists believe it to be of extra-terrestrial origin, this cannot be confirmed.

There is a variety of this stone that comes from near the village of Besednice which is also located in the same general region of the Czech Republic.

The Besednice Moldavite varies a little, as they are quite beautiful lacy crystals, slightly different in form than other types of this stone, but still with the amazingly strong energy.

Stimulates Change & Transformation!
Moldavite crystals have a powerful crystal energy, that is known for its action to stimulate highly beneficial occurrences of coincidence and synchronicity in your life.

This unusual green crystal is certainly the stone to choose if you are on the spiritual path and you are looking for a high crystal energy stone to assist you.

Buy Moldavite from Exquisite Crystals, my most trusted crystal seller.

Moldavite Crystal
This is a high vibration crystal that is very beneficial to aid you to more easily receive messages from the higher realms. Very powerful!

They are potent healing crystals for you to use as they can create an amazing healing response in the individual.

They can be a powerful catalyst for making changes in personal relationships.

As they have powerful healing properties, often they are grouped with other stones of a high vibration and these combinations can be very powerful.

These high energy crystals raise the vibration of other stones in its vicinity, which creates an overall stronger healing vibration.

What Does Moldavite Do?
What does this green stone do for you spiritually? It has a number of excellent Spiritual metaphysical properties including:

It has a powerful energy to aid spiritual awakening, transformation and spiritual healing, but it is not always easy to use.
It has a strong energy to assist you to connect with the Divine mind, which is wonderful to move you forward spiritually, to a higher level.
What does Moldavite do when you hold it?

When someone picks up one of these unusual crystals, the most common reaction that most people feel first is a tingling in the hand, which spreads out into the body.
Often the reaction is then felt in the chest, in the area of the heart chakra, and then in the face, as an intense heat flush.
The vibration of this crystal strongly stimulates your auric field so many people feel an intense heat when they wear it or even hold it for the first time.
Warning: The Moldavite metaphysical properties are powerful and not everyone finds these stones comfortable to use, so start slowly.
Natural Moldavite
Moldavite Naturally Occurring In Shape Of Woman
This intense reaction is so common that it has been given a specific name, called “The Moldavite Flush”

It is an extremely powerful crystal, and is a stone of rapid transformation and shifts, and is known to help you to release old intense, and painful thoughts.

It is common for it to give you a reaction when you first use it, such as dizziness and feeling sort of odd or somewhat different to normal.

Why Would You Use It? What Is Moldavite Good For?
Why do so many people talk about what Moldavite crystal is good for?

This is because it is an amazing stone with a very strong level of crystal energy, that is often discussed by crystal lovers.

You may not understand why it is popular until you hold a piece of this crystal for the first time, and experience the intense vibration that this crystal embodies.

Once you begin the journey that starts when you connect with one of these stones there will be no going back, as Moldavite is a stone of transformation!

These high crystal energy stones have an intense frequency and high vibration which makes them a ‘must have’ for any who are on the spiritual path.

Moldavite ring
Moldavite Ring
Warning: I suggest that you may like to limit how long you wear Moldavite jewelry, just at the beginning until you adapt to it.

Once you have adapted and your etheric body understands the energy, you won’t be as impacted.

Although the spiritual healing that this stone brings can vary from person to person, it has a powerful vibration and can effect great change in short periods of time.

This transformation may make you aware of your deepest desires and help you to make connections with other worlds and dimensions.

It is easy to buy pieces of genuine Moldavite, and it is a healing crystal that is a valuable tool.

It is definitely an amazing healing stone with an action to bring deep spiritual growth.

Some people have difficulty with the vibration of this stone, but the impact can vary from person to person and each individual will be affected in different ways.

Note that the effect that wearing pendants, rings or earrings made from this crystal has on a person varies.

Its use as a magical talisman or carved amulet is powerful as wearing it is known to bring good luck and protection.

Use For Meditation: Highly Protective
If you are wondering how to use Moldavite, using this stone in meditation is very powerful if you are working on developing psychic abilities.

One of its best assets is that it is a protective stone.

Wearing this stone is an advantage when you are working with spirit, so you can be sure that what you are making contact with is of ‘the light’.

Change and spiritual healing are the common elements that this powerful natural crystal stimulates among most people.

This may take different forms, as this beautiful green stone can affect any or all of the chakras.

But it major effect is on the heart chakra, which resonates the vibration of love.

How Do You Use Moldavite?
If you wear this crystal anywhere on your body, or hold a piece of this powerful transforming crystal in your hand during meditation, you may experience a more powerful and meaningful experience.

Meditation is known to be helpful to help relieve stress, and this may partly be because during successful meditation your brain waves slow.

Throughout normal day to day activities your brain operates at what is called the beta state.

During meditation the brain waves change from the beta wave, to the slower alpha wave.

Moldavite Pendant
Moldavite and Blue Kyanite Pendant
Two special areas of the brain, the Amygdala and the Anterior Cingulate Cortex are said to be connected with developing any psychic abilities.

As you go deeper into the meditative state, you may discover that psychic abilities amplify, and you may find a sense of deep peace.

Read About Isochronic Tones, as using them encourages these areas of the brain to entrain with the new rhythms that are introduced.

Using this green crystal in combination with isochronic tones is helpful as it is a high crystal energy stone.

Wearing Moldavite: Who Should Use This Stone?
Wear Moldavite jewelry such as earrings high on your body to stimulate the higher chakras or wear on the chest, where it is highly effective to stimulate the heart chakra.

Advice is given to people to use it sparingly until you get used to it. But often it is hard to put aside once you have experienced it.

Faceted Moldavite
Faceted Moldavite
Someone asked me, can you wear Moldavite every day?

This is hard to answer definitively, but as a general rule, yes you can wear it everyday.

Note: that in some cases you may need a smaller piece or you may need to use it less often, just at the beginning.

Depending on your individual make-up you may find it hard to use, as it can overstimulate your auric field, and this may be overwhelming for some people.

I truly find these powerful green crystals to be a highly beneficial stones to keep on my body, which is why I also bought earrings and a pendant made from this stone.

It is easy to buy Moldavite jewelry, including rings in many different, quite lovely styles.

Wearing a ring or other Moldavite jewelry makes it easy to keep this vibration on your body all day.

When I went to buy myself another piece of jewelry made from this stone, I was drawn to the faceted rings that were made of this crystal.

As soon as I was handed the ring I felt an immediate tingling in my hand. Then a feeling of dizziness and a heat flush of intense proportions went through my body.

Possibly the reaction was more intense because of the facets, but even non-faceted Moldavite will give this reaction if you are not used to it.

The Moldavite pendant that I was wearing, may have connected to the ring, as I felt a strong surge go through my heart chakra.

The reaction in my heart chakra continued for some time even when I was no longer holding it. This ring has an amazing energy and its wonderful to wear it.

How Will It Help You?
There are a number of ways that it may help you, and there are a number of benefits of Moldavite to be aware of.

Use it during meditation either on its own or with other crystals.

Its strong energy also helps to raise the vibration of other stones that it is combined with, so this is a powerful benefit.

Using them this way will make the overall result much stronger.

Meditation is generally an excellent idea for everyone to do every day and using strong stones together can be highly beneficial.

In particular you may choose to use it if you wish to discover how to be psychic, meditation is a one of the ways that you can start on this path.

My Final Thoughts
My Final Thoughts: There are many Moldavite benefits, particularly its role to assist us in our spiritual healing journey, at this time of extraordinary earth changes.

It may stimulate kundalini arousal, and another common outcome from its use is to help you to make contact with your spirit guides, as it is a powerful stone to enhance any of your psychic gifts.

It is incumbent upon us to make the best use of it if we want to participate in the amazing spiritual transformations that may be coming soon.

Moldavite Earrings
Faceted Moldavite Earrings
In summary: on many pages of this site you will see references to this green crystal, and many crystals will benefit you if you also use this stone with them.

This is the reason that wearing jewelry made from Moldavite is so beneficial, as it makes it easy to know that everything that you work with, will work at its best.

Your intuition may develop or psychic abilities may either come to life for the first time, or you may find the abilities you have may expand or change.

These are potent healing crystals for you to use, and whatever stone you choose to combine with it, the combination with this stone will take the other stones energy up a notch.

If you feel dizzy or spaced out after using it, make sure you ground yourself afterwards. There are a number of ways you can do this including using grounding stones or walking on the earth.

Crystal Books You May Enjoy
There are a large number of excellent crystal books now available with some of the authors having been in the crystal industry for many years.

You can now get a number of excellent books that are good to have on hand for reference purposes. To read reviews of my favorite Crystal Books Click Here.

One of the first people to write about Moldavite was Robert Simmons and he has written a number of books that may interest you. Check them out.

Best Crystals To Use With Moldavite
What are the best crystals to use with Moldavite? There are a number below that combine well with this potent green crystal.

There are many stones that are boosted by using them in combination with this green high vibration stone.

Quite a few of the high crystal energy stones work very well when combined with this stone, and create quite positive results.

Blend it with any of the high vibration stones, as this is a powerful way to merge its potent energy.

To aid you to connect to the light, use it with Shamanite Black Calcite, Nirvana Quartz, Hollandite Quartz, Stellar Beam Calcite, Cryolite, Herkimer Diamonds, Amethyst Cacoxenite, Beryllonite and/or Brookite, as these stones create a powerful combination.